Final Pieces + More development
Chosen Image
The reason i chose to only edit prt of the image is to show the co-ownership of the image. I have made sure the images are labelled for re-use with modification.
Another part of my idea is infinite versions. By editing part of the image i am showing how the information is malleable and how there can potentially be infinite versions of the information.
By using vectors i have looked at each colour in detail on the bird and drawn a vector over the top, i then use the colour pick tool to select hat colour and fill it in
This is just an example of how my work is created
My Final Idea is going to Consist of 3 posters, partly modified by me to show co-ownership and potential infinite versions of information.
Chosen Image
For the 3rd and final one i am going to use The Lion image i created in the prototypes because i really like how it looked and it gives a good representation of my idea
These are the Final Pieces for the Authorship and interaction module. These Designs represent co-ownership, the backdrop represents the original owner of the image, while the main focus which has been edited by me represents the user who has changed the image for there own use. These designs also represent what Manovich expressed, how there can be potentially infinite versions of information in an electronic space, i wrote about this in my essay and so links well with my designs. You can clearly see how there can potentially be infinite versions just be editing the image slightly different its another version and different from the original.